Discrete Trials Teaching with Children with Autism – A Self-Instructional Manual is the joint effort of Drs. Daniela Fazzio, PhD, BCBA-D and Garry L. Martin, PhD, to contribute to the continuously growing field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) services for individuals on the autism spectrum. With the ever-growing number of children diagnosed and insufficient availability of programs and practitioners using applied behavior analysis to teach them, comes a substantial need for effective training strategies to bring professionals, paraprofessionals and parents up to speed. Discrete Trials Teaching (DTT) is one of the main instructional strategies used in ABA for autism and a good DTT package will require good instructional material and qualified professionals to supervise implementation. The DTT Manual provides the instructional material and the structure for mastery of the components of this DTT package; the manual has been extensively researched with good results on accuracy of DTT implementation in the training setting and generalization with children with autism.

 ISBN: 978-0-9877656-0-4

From the Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Basic Behavioral Principles and Procedures

Chapter 3: Positive Reinforcement Topics

Chapter 4: Characteristics of Three Common Teaching Tasks

Chapter 5: Antecedents for Responses

Chapter 6: Fading Prompts Within and Across Trials

Chapter 7: Learning to Take Data During DTT Sessions

Chapter 8: Part I of the DTT Checklist: Prepare to Conduct a Teaching Session

Chapter 9: Part II of the DTT Checklist: Manage Antecedents on Standard Trials

Chapter 10: Part III Of The DTT Checklist: Manage Consequences, Record Response on Standard Trials

Chapter 11: Parts IV and V of the DTT Checklist: Error Correction Trials and Prompt Fading

Chapter 12: Decreasing Problem Behaviors

The DTT Manual is a publication of
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